Ok yets be honest here, I suck at keeping birding lists. I dont think I have ever managed to keep a yearlist going the whole year yet! and to be honest I do not really get out enough to end on a very good number when new year rolls in. But who said birding is all about the lists? I still get enough pleasure out of watching the Blue tits and the House sparrows going about there daily routines in my parents little garden in Dorset...
Pfft Yeah right! dont get me wrong! I love watching the humble little Robin pottering around the garden but nothing and I mean NOTHING beats the thrill of chasing a rarity or ticking off that one bogey bird that has eluded you for yonks! That is the reason I have to stay away from too much twitching... It would not take me long to be fully blown addicted, out of pocket and zigzagging the whole length of the British Isles (or Spain) in pursuit of the latest Mega.
In my opinion all of us "birders" have an inner twitcher and there is nothing wrong with embracing the concept. In fact If I had the time and money I would be out that door right now ticking like a goodin. Embarrassingly I will also admit I have only ever been on one major twitch - the Collared flycatcher at Portland! and only because it was local. Nothing stops me if the bird is close by I should add!
So there you go - Birder or Twitcher its up to you! they are both great hobbys and I strongly recommend ( if you are a non birder reading this blog ) to at least try one of them in your life!
In my opinion all of us "birders" have an inner twitcher and there is nothing wrong with embracing the concept. In fact If I had the time and money I would be out that door right now ticking like a goodin. Embarrassingly I will also admit I have only ever been on one major twitch - the Collared flycatcher at Portland! and only because it was local. Nothing stops me if the bird is close by I should add!
ResponderEliminar¡Verdad! Esque sí, a todos los "pajareros" (como yo traduzco "birder") les encanta tener listas. Algunos van muy allá, pero la mayoría siempre estamos en el medio.
Y...no no creo que haya nada malo en ir a buscar un ave rara en algún parche local, je je.